Scholar-In-Residence Program
The Institute for Common Power Scholar-in-Residence Program is designed to provide scholars with the funds, lodging, proximity to research facilities, and more necessary to conduct scholarly research on topics related to Alabama and the surrounding areas. Scholars engaging in historical research on topics related to the histories of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
Selma, Alabama holds a particularly important space in the history of voting rights and human rights. Our building is located at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge the site of a series of marches in March, 1965 that led to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This is where Scholars-in-Residence will stay while doing research. The building has been recently renovated and houses two beautiful apartment suites. Our building is nestled on the Alabama River and allows for easy travel to repositories around the state of Alabama and in portions of Georgia and Mississippi.
We, at the Institute for Common Power, are gravely concerned about the archaic and discriminatory policies that school boards, state leaders, and others are implementing and promoting to eliminate truth in education and to intimidate and stoke fear among educators. These actions are in direct contradiction to a fair, open, honest, and democratic America. We see our work in supporting scholars as a necessary act to bring attention to the essential work of writing truthful history in pursuit of a fair and just American democracy.
Visiting scholars who are selected for the program will be awarded the following:
Residency in an apartment on Water Avenue in Selma, Alabama housed in Common Power’s newly renovated building. The scholar, as part of this Residency, will occupy the apartment for at least one week and for no more than four weeks. There will only be one scholar selected for the program at a time.
A stipend of $1000 per week to cover transportation costs, food, and research fees.
Scholars agree to the following:
Research conducted while in residency will be used in a monograph, edited volume, or article.
The Institute for Common Power will be acknowledged in the publication.
Scholars will use their social media platforms to acknowledge / promote the work of the Institute for Common Power.
Provide one virtual or in person (at the building in Selma) lecture for the Institute for Common Power related to your research within three months of completing your residency.
Scholars who meet the following minimum requirements are encouraged to apply:
Have a doctorate in hand, or be working toward the completion of one, in History, Political Science, Sociology, African American Studies, Native American Studies, Asian American Studies, American Studies, Womens’ Studies, LGBTQ Studies, or a related field.
Extensive work in journalism or a related field.
To apply:
The Institute for Common Power Scholar-in-Residence Program is by invitation only. If you know someone who should be considered for the program, of if you would like to be considered, please email Dr. Terry Anne Scott, Director of the Institute for Common Power, at terry@commonpurposenow.org. Include “Selma Scholar-In-Residence” in the subject line.